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Lady Penelope 02-06-2017 04:20 PM

Technical Issues
Technical Issues

If you have any technical issue with the board, please let us know here! Please be as descriptive as possible.

Abandon Ship 12-07-2017 09:24 AM

When I'm in my new character (Monica Heathwood) for Dublin I can't access the main page or any of the RPG threads again.

It comes up with "You have empty profile fields that are required to be filled in. Please visit your profile page to update these fields". I try clicking other tabs and nothing. All I can do is edit her profile settings if I want but besides that I can't go back and forth between the profile and the board.

I have to log out altogether to gain access again to the whole boards. It's like it's asking me to register Monica's account like I'm a new member? When you click on the User Profile it says registration information required.

Wild Love 12-07-2017 09:35 AM

I had the exact same problem before. I was told to just add my name to the profile info and that made it work.

Sorry I took over the answer staffers! XD

Abandon Ship 12-07-2017 09:43 AM

^ Thanks Sandra! :)

Lando 12-07-2017 10:07 AM

Haha yeah that is the answer! We have names set as mandatory, half the time I add the name when I create the account but I don't always remember

Cheryl Blossom 14-07-2017 03:37 PM

I dunno if this is something you're already aware of but the following posts show up in the index2 when I visit the site. They're things I don't have access to and I'm assuming I'm not supposed to see them :p

Lando 14-07-2017 03:47 PM

Ha no you're probably not supposed to see them ;) I shall get that sorted. Lemme know if you can still see it.

Jesse Boone 26-07-2017 07:32 PM

When I tried going to the username page bit it gave me this message.


Roger MacKenzie, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.

Imzadi 26-07-2017 07:49 PM

Could you try now?

Sweet Dream 26-07-2017 08:16 PM

I had the same issue as Linds but it works now! :)

Jesse Boone 26-07-2017 08:29 PM

:thumb: It works.

Cheryl Blossom 12-08-2017 09:29 PM

Off the top of my head from using the new scheme, here's some thoughts :D

- Minimalist icons, especially on the homepage - very pretty!
- Navigation bar fixed to the top when you scroll
- Round avatar preview on the navigation bar
- Breadcrumb template
- Quick reply

- Too wide. I prefer the smaller fixed width of the board.
- Fonts seem bigger/zoomed in, especially on the main forum index and postbits. Also in the reply boxes. Probably just everywhere :p
- No longer seeing the thread title in the last post section on the forum index
- The avatars moving next to the thread title, it's a bit distracting when I'm trying to browse the threads and find which have new posts.
- The faded out fonts on the forumdisplay underneath the thread titles. It's a strain to see.

Sweet Dream 12-08-2017 10:46 PM

Okay, I don't want to be that person but I just wanted to say that Vicki pointed out everything on my mind :)

I'm a huge fan of the changes but the main thing I don't like is how wide things are, though. Like the squares around the avatars in the Random Facts, etc.

Neverland 12-08-2017 11:18 PM

I'm only looking on my phone right now (I'm on an iPhone so using Safari mobile), anything in a header box stretches way beyond the width of the post itself. Also, I can't find the option to find posts from the last 24 hours on the new layout, but maybe I'm looking in the wrong place.

However, I don't mind the bigger fonts at all for browsing the board on my phone. I'm CONSTANTLY manually zooming in and scrolling just to see what I'm typing on the regular schemes, never mind what I'm reading. So the larger fonts are AWESOME.


OH SIGS. The gifs are on top of each other instead of next to each other. I can't decide if that bothers me or not but I wanted to mention it.

Norris 12-08-2017 11:32 PM

Thanks guys! We're compiling all of your feedback so we can work on it when our tech genius (Imzadi/Chrissie) gets back. :D (And please continue with feedback - every little positive or negative thing helps us get everything ready for you!)

Jesse Boone 13-08-2017 12:02 AM

Ooh different.

I definitely agree about the width, I'm currently on my laptop so I'm not sure what it looks like on my phone, but yeah to me it's too wide, and like Vicki said about the avators moving next to the thread title, it is a little distracting. I think I'd probably miss the icons going down the side of the board, but I'd probably get used to the way this looks. Also agree about the fonts being bigger. Still deciding on the av preview on the main index.

I like the fixed navigation bar. And I also like the quick reply box.

I'm used to the other layout, but that's not a bad thing and I'd get used to this one.

Also, I'm not keen on the gap around the avators.

*I hope this doesn't come accross as overly negative, I'm not trying to be.

Natalie Scatorccio 13-08-2017 02:52 AM

I don't like having to zoom out but I can't really notice much else jumping out at me.

Well besides the gifs on top of each other.

It'll take getting used to especially on my phone, idk how it looks on my computer

Lando 13-08-2017 03:00 AM

The scheme does look very different on a phone to the laptop as it has phone friendly features. Stacked sigs are only on the phone

Natalie Scatorccio 13-08-2017 05:10 AM

Trying it on my laptop, I definetly love the new layout! Still would take some getting used to. But like Vicki, I do have a con with how wide it is.

Neverland 13-08-2017 05:58 AM

I'm on Safari on my laptop and nothing appears out of proportion for me here. I found the "Today's Posts" super easily on my laptop too, so I guess that's just a phone layout issue? Anyway, I didn't notice until now that we can't see the thread title for the most recent post in each forum, but now I have and I agree with Vicki, I'm not a fan of that. Also I'd rather just have the name of the thread owner be visible, rather than see that person's avatar appear next to the thread title too.

Right now, I'm feeling like I would love to use a scheme with this general layout on my phone - but I would rather keep the old layout for on my computer.

Louis de Pointe du Lac 13-08-2017 09:00 AM

If anyone had been wondering (like I have for literally like 8 hours), the button for 'View New Posts' is up on the left of the top of the main forum page - Exhibit A. We're going to look into making it bigger so that it's a little more obvious.

Otherwise, posts for the last 24 hours can be found on the top right, under Options > Today's Posts.

Natalie Scatorccio 13-08-2017 10:53 PM

I just noticed that the option to have the newest posts show first is gone. Was that taken away cause I've always had newest post show first when I enter a thread. I would like it back if it was taken away.

Norris 13-08-2017 11:08 PM

Is this in the new style scheme? If so, is this the option you mean?

If so, it only shows up the first time you enter the thread.

If not, would you be able to screen cap on and old style theme which part you mean? Chrissie won't be back until next week so we won't be able to check a few of these issues with her until then.

Natalie Scatorccio 14-08-2017 01:12 AM

It's under options, thread display modes, here is a screenshot

It was on the new schemes yesterday and then today it was gone.

Imzadi 14-08-2017 07:56 AM

Hi all. Just quickly dropping in to say how excited I am to see the scheme come live. It is a work in progress and I'm ready to build / rebuild and adjust to make this what WiB needs.. Feedback rocks, any kind. I know it's a drastic change. Heck, I remember when I first saw the scheme I ... well, it took time getting used to. ;) Especially the larger fonts when you're used to the good old "vb2 / smallfont" look.

The plan is to make browsing esp. on the phone a lot easier. The scheme adjusts to the size of the browser. Some things still have a few kinks and bugs in them, and I'll be working through them as we go along. Also ... certain functionality is simply gone from this scheme. Why? Because it was built with the plan to de-clutter. I get the opinion here might vary right now because things are in different places and that takes time getting used to.

I will be fixing a few things. This means fonts might suddenly change, colours might temporarily be off. If something looks weird / wrong, please do report it. Thanks in advance for everyone helping!

On the thread icon ... I could see about switching the av out for an icon. I'll be fiddling with things :chin: So yes, please keep the ideas coming. :nod:

Cheryl Blossom 20-08-2017 06:40 AM

I don't think I'd noticed before, but I'm dropping into say the user cp and profile redesign is GORGEOUS. it's so much cleaner and easier to navigate through now. I'm a big fan of that part :D thank you for your hard work chrissie!!

Neverland 25-08-2017 09:11 PM

I don't think this has already been mentioned, and it's something I only just noticed. (And maybe it's just because I'm on my phone?) In the postbits on the new schemes, our names aren't listed anywhere. Just usernames. Idk if that was intentional or not, but I find having our names visible helps when 2 people have similar sets, unless they have usernames that are easily associated with them. If that makes sense?

Lando 25-08-2017 09:32 PM

Shadow if you click the username when you're on the phone it comes up with a mini profile that shows the name :)

Neverland 25-08-2017 09:39 PM

OH! Awesome, thank you!

Cheryl Blossom 29-08-2017 04:20 PM

Me again *hides*

Is there a possibility to have the View New Posts on the index switched to View Today's Posts? I personally prefer the today's posts option because due to cookies if I view on my phone then my laptop it can mark them as read so I don't see them. I dunno if I'm the only one though!

Neverland 29-08-2017 05:19 PM

^ I second this! Especially on the phone. From the phone version of the new style, I can't find the option at all.

Midnight Hands 29-08-2017 05:37 PM

We shall definitely look into this as we finalise all the changes. Thanks, ladies! :)

Meraviglioso 29-08-2017 05:44 PM

The 'Mark Forums Read' at the bottom of the page doesn't seem to be working. I get this message:

Your submission could not be processed because a security token was invalid.

If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error.

Just thought I'd point it out :)

Lando 29-08-2017 05:52 PM

Don't worry we know about that one and I shall fix it later on today :)

Morbid Curiosity 31-08-2017 04:16 PM

Whenever I attempt to start a thread in The Storyboard subforum of The Fireplace… I get the dreaded Database Error message.

Lando 31-08-2017 04:23 PM

Thanks Agnes, we shall look into this!

Neverland 04-09-2017 12:34 AM

I've never noticed this before but maybe I just wasn't being observant. I saw this at the bottom of the page in Last Post, and I checked, and it's in other threads too. Has it always been there/is it supposed to be there?


Louis de Pointe du Lac 04-09-2017 12:37 AM

It hasn't always been there. It's something that just recently got added in.

But it is totally normal!

Morbid Curiosity 08-09-2017 11:22 AM

I know that the board is going offline tomorrow to be properly worked on so this probably won't be that big of a deal for now but when I click on the "Biography" link in the usercp I see this:


Louis de Pointe du Lac 08-09-2017 11:28 AM

You're right, it's not a big deal. It's supposed to not work for you guys yet.

There's a big secret reveal coming that will explain everything soon!

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