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Natalie Scatorccio 11-06-2017 12:30 AM

At the moment, it seems fine but I will report back if something fishy happens.

Jesse Boone 11-06-2017 12:34 AM

Just done it again, will let you know.

ETA: :( nope still doing it.

Neverland 11-06-2017 03:36 AM

Any chance we can still get a "Today's Posts" link up at the top? I like being able to search back through the last 24 hours. Please? :kiss:

Midnight Hands 11-06-2017 04:04 AM

We'll look into it, Shadow! :)

Lando 11-06-2017 06:50 AM


Originally Posted by Neverland (Post 2667)
Any chance we can still get a "Today's Posts" link up at the top? I like being able to search back through the last 24 hours. Please? :kiss:

Hi Shadow! In the drop down box for quick links there is still an option there ;)

Symphony 11-06-2017 03:13 PM

It just happened to me... Using Stranger Things (set in UserCP) and clicked a link and it changed to Star Wars: The Dark Side.

Requiem 11-06-2017 03:15 PM

It's happening to me again as well. I was using the Daredevil scheme and tried switching to Moana but every time I go to a new page it reverts back to Daredevil.

Lando 11-06-2017 03:16 PM

I can only recommend clearing your cookies again and I'll look into it when I get home and making sure the scheme is set in your CP :(

Requiem 11-06-2017 03:18 PM

I cleared my cookies again and it seems to have done the trick :)

Lando 11-06-2017 03:25 PM

There is a cookie issue, it keeps logging me out so we will fix this

Jesse Boone 11-06-2017 03:29 PM

I've just changed my scheme to the Charlie Hunnam one, and I don't know why but my postbit (name, post count, online/offline) looks different then everyone else. It's all horizontal instead of vertical....Is it because I don't have a location set.

Midnight Hands 11-06-2017 03:34 PM

Yes and there is a slight difference in the coding for that scheme. I'll get that sorted.

Natalie Scatorccio 11-06-2017 04:12 PM

Is it okay not to have our avs the new board size? I like tbe one I have I just can't make it biggerz it was already resized to make it the size it is now.

Midnight Hands 11-06-2017 04:20 PM

We would prefer it if everyone had the same sized avatars, because that makes the board look pretty. :) If you find an gif that needs to be resized, we can do that for you.

Serenity 11-06-2017 04:34 PM

Is there a way to change my DOB? I created my account on my phone and I don't think I entered the right one, is there a way to correct it?

Lando 11-06-2017 05:05 PM

Hi Carly, looking into why this is set up that way but I'll get your birthday changed for you for now.

eta: Its all fixed now. Just had to set something to no!

Serenity 11-06-2017 08:45 PM

Thank you:)

Requiem 12-06-2017 02:40 AM

Is there a way to change the way the date is displayed? For example, June 8th, 2017 currently displays as 08/06/17 which is normal for most people here, but it boggled my mind for about half a second because in the US it'd be 06/08/17. I looked in my CP to see if there was a place to change it to the US format but didn't see any. My time zone is set correctly if that matters? I apologize if I missed something.

Louis de Pointe du Lac 12-06-2017 02:46 AM

I suspect it's set that way because our High Ladies are British. I've always been on boards where it's set the American way and I've never thought to question whether or not it can be changed. I suspect it's going to be one size fits all, but we'll check it out.

Requiem 12-06-2017 02:53 AM

Oh, I never knew everyone didn't see stuff in their own country's format. I learned something new! It's all good if it's one size fits all, no big deal. I just thought I missed something, haha.

Lando 12-06-2017 04:17 AM

Yes I'm really sorry I believe you can only have it set one way and as we're London based we're pro GMT, the pound and that format for dates! Very sorry if it's a bother :(

Requiem 12-06-2017 04:24 AM

Not at all, no worries! :) I honestly had no idea how it worked, haha. Definitely not a big deal at all. I'll get used to it really fast, I'm sure :) Thank you!

Natalie Scatorccio 13-06-2017 05:46 AM

I am still having random scheme changes still. It wasn't as frequent as before but it is still happening for me. I was just on the Riverdale one and just a few minutes ago it went to Baywatch. It mostly reverts to Wonder Woman.

Midnight Hands 13-06-2017 05:47 AM

Because she's the best! :p

We'll look into it and see what's going on. Thanks for letting us know, Heidi. :)

Jesse Boone 13-06-2017 05:51 AM

I'm still getting it as well, like Heidi it's not been as frequent, but it's still doing it now and then.

Sweet Dream 13-06-2017 05:54 AM

You probably have already done this but I put the scheme I wanted, logged out, cleared my cookies, shut my browser and then signed back in. Now, my scheme has been the same ever since. Idk if that's what fixed it but, hey. Worth a shot? :P

Natalie Scatorccio 13-06-2017 05:56 AM

^ I will try that. Cause I read Anna's reply. Went to the main page and then when I went from the main screen to the new posts, it changed again to Baywatch. I'll try what Sandra suggested and see what happens then :)

Jesse Boone 13-06-2017 05:57 AM


Originally Posted by Sweet Disposition (Post 3552)
You probably have already done this but I put the scheme I wanted, logged out, cleared my cookies, shut my browser and then signed back in. Now, my scheme has been the same ever since. Idk if that's what fixed it but, hey. Worth a shot? :P

I didn't think to try that, but I'll do that now.

ETA: Just tried it, but when I logged back in it had the default scheme instead of the one I'm using, I don't know if it was the same for you.

Sweet Dream 13-06-2017 06:03 AM

^ Yeah but then I set it as the one I wanted! :) Let's cross our fingers!

Jesse Boone 13-06-2017 06:08 AM

^ Ah right okay, that's okay then. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Natalie Scatorccio 13-06-2017 06:08 AM

What Lindsey said happens to me. To clear my cookies, it clears site data so I always have to relog in when I open the browser back up. And it goes to the default scheme. I put it on the one I wanted and am gonna see if it changes anytime soon.

EDIT (approx. 9 minutes later): It was fine, then I went into a game and edited my postbit. When I returned to the main site, it was the default scheme and once I clicked new posts, Baywatch popped up.

Serenity 13-06-2017 01:37 PM

The new posts link and the todays post quick link aren't working for me. When I click on them I get taken to an error page. Idk if it's happening to anyone else or just me.

Sancta Terra 13-06-2017 01:39 PM

Yeah, we just discovered that. We're in the process of figuring out what happened. Thanks for letting us know!

Lando 13-06-2017 04:14 PM

Yeah a couple of plugins took down the whole board starting with new posts. The hacks are all currently off line and we're gonna put them back up bit by bit :)

Natalie Scatorccio 14-06-2017 07:27 AM

Is there a place we can suggest board schemes or just here? Cause I would really love to see a Orphan Black scheme.

Midnight Hands 14-06-2017 07:34 AM

Here is perfect. We'll make note of that, Heidi, thanks. :)

Jesse Boone 14-06-2017 10:07 AM

Can I request an Outlander scheme. I would love one.

Norris 14-06-2017 10:54 AM

Hi Linds, we're taking note of all suggestions! :)

Wild Love 22-06-2017 12:55 AM

I don't know if anyone else has this issue or if I just have an issue with my eyes, but I'm using The Flash as a scheme and the blue (and the red to a lesser degree) text when you Edit RP Profile is extremely hard for me to read. I have to bring the computer right up to my face to be able to know what to put where. XD This text here. Could you possibly change the color to a lighter one?

Louis de Pointe du Lac 22-06-2017 01:03 AM

Oh god, that is gross.

I've swapped out the blue for now, but I'll look into altering that particular red. I have to figure out what box needs to be changed.

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