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Lando 07-08-2017 04:20 PM

Character Spotlight of the Month
Character Spotlight of the Month

Each month we will have a spotlight on a character on the board from any game! We do love to watch what everyone is writing and we hope you do too!

Lando 07-08-2017 04:54 PM

Azure Vesna

For August's Character Spotlight we delve deep into the depths of the Courts of Cornesse to discover a little bit about Azure Vesna, Fae of Vitaenum and brother to the High Lady Juniper. A difficult thing for the first born son to the first born daughter of the old High Lady of Vitaenum, when he would never be High Lord himself due to the systems in place.

His life has been made uneasier still as his bondmate, the most sacred of relationships in Cornesse, even more so than marriage itself, has seemingly so far had no interest in returning the favour. A harsh reality for any Fae, a broken bond can haunt you for life to the point of death.

Then again a confusing situation for Azure perhaps is the fact that his heart was not completely entangled in his bond instead having strange feelings for that of his cousin, the Lady Cerelia. Tonight he was allowed to enjoy her company, and she would gladly let him. She positively lit up around him and it made Azure's chest warm happily when he looked at her. Cerelia has long been in love with Azure but it is perhaps only recently that the man has begun to look back. A dance at the ball of the summer solstice that led to a kiss. The future is uncertain and his heart even more so.

It is still early days for Azure but we enjoy keeping up with him and so we can't wait to see more. Congratulations Vicki (Kimberly Hart) on Azure and Character Spotlight of the month!

Lando 03-09-2017 10:38 AM

Nicholas Gellar

In September we move away from the change of seasons in Cornesse and find ourselves in the depths of a Bohemian Winter with Nicholas Gellar as the focus of our story. Born in Florida to a Disney loving mother, Nick was named after the Wiley Fox in Zootopia, his little sister Judy coming along not much after him. His father was sports mad and that instilled a love into Nick but it was the memory of his aunt, a woman whom he'd never met but whose memory lived on through the stories his parents told that shaped his future. Playing football wasn't to be his goal, but becoming a sports physician was.

College changed his plans however from what they had been. Football had been Nick's focus, he would complete his bachelors and masters and be just like his aunt Julie. Dance had never been in his future yet one class of Physiologic & Metabolic Basis of Human Movement & Performance seemed to get him hooked. Ballet was as far from football as one could get yet in so many ways there were similarities to the punishment on the body. With a supportive family in tow he found himself attending the Charles University in Prague for his masters degree.

Now he's been working with the national ballet for the last year and a half and he's made himself at home very much amongst all the ballet dancers, almost being one of them. During his masters he was home sick but it was manageable, now however as a permanent resident of Prague his home sick has gotten a lot worse. His baby sister Judy has now taken him up on his offer to visit him in Prague, a little piece of home now with him. With her there he didn't feel quite so alone. "I didn't realize how lonely I was without you until just now, actually." The pair of them were as close as siblings could be and now they were together things didn't seem quite so bad. There would be much to discuss, especially if Judy was planning on staying but that was for another time.

Nick is still very much in the early stages still but so far we are all a little bit in love with him and how protective he is as a big brother. Congrats Sandra (Bridges) on Nick and Character Spotlight of the Month!

Lando 01-10-2017 04:40 PM

Bianca Franchetti

This October we leave the winter of Prague and find ourself across an Ocean blinded by the lights of New York City with Bianca Franchetti now in the spotlight. Her story began in Naperville, Illinois but her young life began in difficulty after her parents were gunned down when she was only a young girl of only six. Her maternal grandfather took her in then but it was still not an easy life for Bianca, the last name of Franchetti was always a sore spot for him even as he was denied being allowed to change it to Genovese.

By the time she was eight she was shipped abroad, never staying in one spot for two long. Until the age of fourteen she was forever known as Bianca the new girl, no one knowing the connections to her past and everything she had lost as a small child. It was when she was fourteen that she went to New York. School was not her friend, often being in the principles office but it was college that made her with a four year nursing degree before Bianca graduated and worked in the ER of NewYork-Presbyterian before working at the Morgan Stanley’s Children’s Hospital ER. It may not have been the life her grandfather envisioned for her but it was a life of her own. It was now as an adult that she has reconnected with her fathers side of her family through her grandmother but by doing this she has discovered the deep rifts that run through the two sides of her.

Bianca now works incredibly hard but she also enjoys finding some downtime. It was during this that she found herself listening to some Jazz music at Cleopatra’s Needle enjoying some good food. Here she met Deacon Corvin a New York Lawyer. The pair of them shared interesting conversation and there were certainly sparks on both sides as Bianca's presence managed to turn Deacon from a man very much alone to a brighter one. They moved quickly towards the Tennis Centre with ice cream in hand. Their conversation that had begun back in the middle of jazz music had very quickly turned into a date. They were bonding very much over sports and it seemed very much that there would be a future date on the cards

Bianca is in the early days still but she is so interesting and we love seeing her in play! The relationship between her and Deacon will have a close eye on them! Congrats Fred (Vhenan) on Bianca and Character Spotlight of the Month!

Lando 08-11-2017 06:38 PM

George Ross

We're a little late this month with our character spotlight but that's because we had to wait for the stars to arrive on the red carpet within American Dreams, and one of the biggest stars of them all, George Ross, winning the award! There is so much to say about George, he certainly is one of the favourites of so many of the staff and members here on WiB so we shall attempt to give it a go!

George was the first born son to a middle class family in Melbourne, his brother Brandon following a few years after him, the two of them being best friends with their cousin as well. They certainly weren't famous, his parents were hard working people and the future that the brothers would have was not something that anyone could truly have imagined. An audition as a teenager for a talent scout was the first move from being an ordinary child to that of an actor, being cast on the incredibly popular Home & Away. It allowed George to make a name for himself in both Australia and the UK where the show was loved completely. It truly was just the beginning however because after only a few years in the show he was scouted by Hollywood for a role in Star Trek! It seemed a bit mad that the boy from Melbourne was finding himself half way around the world for a role in one of the biggest sci fi franchises but he wouldn't turn his nose up at it all!

Star Trek was only the beginning of course. The true magic for George came with a role in Thor. It was more than he could ever wish for and it propelled him to a Hollywood leading man with everyone knowing his name. That was a difficult thing to deal with of course when it came to love, but luckily for him there was someone special right around the corner. Brooke Parker stared in a film with him and it was terribly easy for him to fall for her. There was the difficult subject of her boyfriend that got in the way, but it did not stop his feelings from growing. Joel was soon out of the picture and eventually Brooke knew that she loved him in return and the pair have never looked back. A huge splashy wedding, now two children together the pair were a true Hollywood romance story that seemed to buck the tide for people in the spotlight breaking up. Now with the third Thor film completed the world seemed so large and wonderful to George.

While George is a vetarian character through and through there is still so much to see. From his fantastic bromance with Sawyer Cooke, to the truth of his cousin truly being his brother, and now bringing up the babies with Brooke there is going to be a hell of a lot more to come from him! Congrats Anna (Chaol Westfall) on George and Character Spotlight of the month!

Lando 01-12-2017 01:29 AM

Clementine Edison

Finally our character spotlight is heading to the green green pastures of the emerald isle for one of my personal favourites, Clementine Edison. A beauty and a delight there is already so much to say about this pretty rose.

Clemmie is the only daughter of Audrey Temperley and Atticus Edison. Whilst her mother couldn't conceive her naturally, they used a surrogate because they wanted a child of their own so desperately. When Clemmie came along she was the apple of their eye, her father was certainly sure that there wasn't a child on earth that was more wanted or loved than his little princess. Of course she didn't grow up a lonely child, Atticus and Audrey were best friends with the Rhys family and Daisy was one year older than her. They were instant best friends, from the times the played together in the dirt in Kew Gardens, to when they both decided together to move to Dublin. They were more than friends and more than sisters, soul mates to the very core.

This didn't mean that things were magical for Clemmie. For much of her childhood she suffered from anxiety and panic attacks, something that she struggled with because she longed to be normal. Her family loved her and wanted nothing but the best for her, but there seemed to be nothing that made it better for her only occasionally easier. It didn't matter how many times Atticus would cuddle her, Audrey to tell her that she loved her or Daisy to tell her how beautiful she was. She felt flawed and there didn't seem to be an end in sight to that. It wasn't until she met Gordy Emerson that things seemed to change. He seemed to see through all her barriers and into her very heart. No he wasn't a magical cure, the only person who could truly heal Clemmie was herself but he loved her deeply and was her very own personal cheerleader. She felt more relaxed around him to the point that when they were in vegas and he proposed to her they married the same night. Now she is learning how to be Mrs Emerson and for someone who doesn't enjoy change it is a new lesson to learn.

Clemmie is certainly one of the sweetest characters on the board with so much love to give and I'm so glad that she gets to be shared with you all now. There will be so much more to see now with her marriage to Gordy, her friendship with Daisy and trying to balance her future with it all! Congrats Mel (Marlowe) on Clemmie and Character Spotlight of the month!

Lando 01-01-2018 11:44 AM

Lucian Asteron

A new year, a new Spotlight and in January's Character Spotlight we find ourselves back at Courts of Cornesse to find out about Lucian Asteron, The High Lord of the Moon Court. The one Court where rulers are chosen not born but because of this the home of the most ruthless Fae of them all.

Noctaluce was a new court when Lucian was born, making him one of the first Fae to officially be born within it. This as a young man would have already given him a different mind set, the leaders that came before were other but Lucian was one with the Moon and everything it stood for. His family were as filthy rich as any other that had founded Noctaluce which meant that they as much as any other craved power, meaning Lucian was dragged from pillar to post in the hope that one day he would make the connections required to grab power for them. Education was important as well, for the leaders in other Courts were just handed their titles, they had no requirement to be intelligent in any way. Lucian needed to be quick, smart and ruthless in both mental and physical strength, something he knew all too well.

There was a change within him however when he met his bondmate, Nyx Silverstorm. She was the wife of their High Lord, beautiful and intelligent and someone he knew he could not have. When would that have ever stopped Lucian however? It was fated of course, she was to be his and Nyx was able to set in motions the events that would end the old High Lord's life and place him now upon the throne. No longer a rich man's son, but the most respected man in all of Noctulace. Almost a century now and Lucian has learnt to play the game better than any before him. Most of the High Lady's and Lord's now sitting on their various thrones have been in place for less time than himself, giving him power that he could hide away now for his own uses. He had his many spies and poison masters out there in the world to do his bidding whilst he could pretend to be the kind bumbling fool that no one would think was the most dangerous man in all of the Courts. Only if he continued to play the game perhaps all the cards would eventually fall.

Lucian is certainly the bad boy of CoC that we all love to love as well as hate! Congratulations Sarah (Domino) on Lucian and Character Spotlight of the month!

Lando 01-02-2018 08:57 PM

Fiona O'Malley

This month we're back in tinsel town with one of this seasons award winners with Fiona O'Malley, now being the proud owner of a Golden Globe and Character Spotlight of the Month!

Fiona was a typical Irish lass, growing up in a small town middle of nowhere. Very much shy as a child and an only child at that it wouldn't be until school that she came out of her shell. The school play was something that she could shine in, pretending to be another person was something that Fiona enjoyed and her parents encouraged her to try out acting more, putting her forward for TV auditions as well. It of course was not easy at first, she was a very young actress in Ireland and rejection became with this but at sixteen she was cast in a TV movie and it taught her much to take into her future. It also got her more noticed and jobs in England came followed by the call to Hollywood. This would be a test to her shy nature but Fiona was now a good actress and she could act her way through interviews.

She found more in Hollywood than just acting. Micah Asbury was already an amazing actor in his own right and she felt a real connection to him. However as her star began to rise would it be difficult between them especially as even though she was confident in the spotlight behind the scenes she was still shy by nature. Their relationship was still new and fragile, adding outside pressures on this would be a lot. Especially since the awards season was now upon them and she had won the Golden Globe for best actress! The future in her career was bright with an Oscar nomination now hers as well. Now she would figure out how to balance something she loved with someone she loved.

Fiona is certainly one of the sweetest characters in American Dreams and we look forward to see more from her and her relationship with Micah! Congrats Amy (Phantasmic Parade) on Fiona and Character Spotlight of the month!

Lando 04-03-2018 11:27 AM

Dekhlan Ruscus

I'll admit it, we are running a little behind schedule this month but March is here and so is our new Character Spotlight of the month. Cornesse is bearing the fruits of another wonderful character and we are going to find out about Dekhlan Ruscus , Noble from the Court of Gelidis and a man with a heart of gold.

Dekhlan Ruscus was born as the youngest child of three to a well to do family in Gelidis. At the time of his birth, the previous High Lady Calandra was still on the throne and so he grew up in an era of prosperity but also of freedom. This mixed with the fact he would not be expected to carry on the family work due to being the youngest he had a real sense of adventure about him. However he was still a young man, for everyone knew that the Fae did not reach true maturity until they turned 100 so his parents had not let him out yet to spread his wings. He wanted to find a way, any way to be sent away from court so that he would be able to see the world for himself. Winter was beautiful but it would be wonderful to see the sun as well.

Life however always had the most interesting way to find you when least expected. Upon going to the Diamond Glacier Bridge he had been expecting to hide from his father and the lessons that were pressed upon him, he just hadn't expected to find a Princess. It was an unexpected pleasure but it also allowed a strange feeling to wash over him. There were nerves, naturally so as she was the Princess of Gelidis but there was also something more. Nerves that seemed to turn his legs to mush and the poor boy kept falling over in the ice and hit his head probably harder than he had wanted to. If nothing else one could see Dek was quite literally falling for Laurel Yalda. It didn't stop him putting the wrong foot forward of course with his words but there was a part of him that knew what this was. She was his bond mate wasn't she? Wasn't she?

Dek is very much in his early stages but he has a big future we can tell! Can't wait to read more between him and his Princess. Congratulations Becky (Journey's End) on Dekhlan and Character Spotlight of the month!

Norris 31-03-2018 03:11 PM

Jake Tate

This month we’re going to do a whole 180 and I'm taking the reins. You see, this month’s Character Spotlight is already in the limelight and he hates it. The harsh glare of the photographer’s flash has revealed Jake Tate, our tortured actor with the face of a Grecian god.

Born in a cloud of mystery Jake never knew his parents. The only clue he had to his parentage was the request that his middle name be Greek. It wasn’t much to cling to and Jake went through the foster system in England, never truly finding where he belonged. It was LA that beckoned him, however and it was there that he first found what it meant to belong. He and young actress Tibby Hilburn were inseparable and after graduating from CalArts, they welcomed their son, Freddie, into the world. It looked like Jake finally had the family he had always been craving. But life was never truly that kind. While his profile in Hollywood rose, his home life fell apart as so often is the case.

While Jake dealt with the pressures of notoriety he made a few poor decisions, shall we say. Choosing to date someone under contract and without feeling was probably not the wisest choice. But looking back with hindsight wasn’t going to help him. It wasn’t until his baby mama was injured terribly on set in England that Jake had to confront his feelings and the truth. That’s why whilst Tibby recovers from a serious spinal injury Jake has moved in to help with the day to day care of their son. But a bedside confession has made tensions in the house pique and it’s all just a matter of time until it bubbles to the surface spectacularly. Poor Jake just can’t catch the break he so desperately needs. But maybe a bit of honesty and some time can make everything all better. Who knows! Miracles can actually happen when you least expect them.

While Jake’s been around for a while he’s only just really finding his feet and coming into his own. The soap-esque plot that has become his life is really one for the books and I know we can’t wait to find out more about how Jake is going to set things right and get the girl he so desperately wants! Congratulations Vicky (Murdoch) on Jake and Character Spotlight of the month! Sorry aboot that.

Louis de Pointe du Lac 02-05-2018 08:27 AM

Evan Portelli

For May's Character Spotlight of the Month, we finally find our way to the supernatural hotspot of Barcelona and Evan Portelli, a little vampire who probably wishes that he wasn't so obviously in everyone's sights.

Evan Portelli was born in a little port town in Italy. His parents gave him a rather sheltered childhood, but he still managed to be a social butterfly, enjoying a large circle of friends and basking in the energy that came from a crowd. He was a bright young man, earning a position at the University of Genoa to study Philosophy. Unfortunately, too much alcohol the night after his final exams found him very drunk on the streets and in the path of a vampire who didn't hesitate to take advantage.

After being disowned by his family, Evan made his way out of Italy, ending up in Barcelona. Without a place to stay, Evan found shelter where he could and food where he could get it. A rather philanthropic young man, he set up his own charity of sorts, involving taking money from men who didn't understand the concept of no from their dates and using it to by designer shoes. It was mostly for his own purposes until he crossed paths with werewolf bartender, Dylan Montagna, at the Sidecar Club. Dylan had a couch he offered to homeless strays, and between that and some playful banter, Evan couldn't keep himself away from. The flirtation flew hard and fast before Evan found himself with the offer of another night on the couch along with a date at L'Ovella Negra Ramblas. Evan's trying hard not consider what the long-term possibilities of this is, but he hasn't got a lot else going for him and maybe Dylan is offering what he's looking for?

There is a lot more to Evan that has yet to come to light, but already this vampire with a heart of gold is showing that not all vampires are big, bad and scary. Congratulations Todd (Futile Devices) on Evan and Character Spotlight of the month!

Lando 03-06-2018 09:27 AM

Libby Harrow/Murdoch

Welcome to June, the month of our anniversary, and we are choosing a special character as she is two different character bios existing in three games. Libby Harrow and Libby Murdoch are one and the same, one soul showing how the same character can exist in two different universes as well as two different stages of her life.

In City of Blinding Lights the start of Libby Harrow's life was certainly an interesting one. Her mother, Calandra, had decided to bring her into the world all on her own because she believed that her father wouldn't have wanted her. From the moment she was born no child had ever been loved more, the two of them the truest of soulmates there ever could have been. From the very start however it was clear that she was her father's child, Bastian had been artist and so was she, loving to draw and paint from a very young age. They lived in London for the first years of her life but her mother was offered a job in New York and the two of them made it across the pond to set up a new life there, something that Libby hated a lot. Fate would get in the way and in the last place that Calandra had ever thought he would find them, Bastian came back into their lives letting Libby meet her Papa for the first time. The two of them connected instantly and she loved her father. She may only have been thirteen but to her everything felt complete. The Libby of current day New York still has so much growing up to do, first loves to live through, but she is getting there slowly. Her world will change shortly enough.

Fairy Lights allow us to peer twenty years into the future with Libby all grown up with a love of her own. Having studied in London for university she then found job in Paris allowing her to explore her love of art for a living. A chance encounter on a trip back to London Libby some how found herself stuck with an over sized Scot in her life. The pair of them had an incredibly happy life in Paris, while they weren't married Libby and Jack were happy and there was nothing that made her want to leave their life there. Not at least until she became pregnant. The moment the stick changed colour Libby had the urge to move back across the pond to the city she didn't love with her heart but the one that kept her whole family safe. Jack would do anything to make his love happy so he made the move with her and the pair of them created a warm home there. Her pregnancy didn't exactly go smoothly, pre-eclampsia was a real risk, and as soon as she had given birth Libby had a seizure and they almost all lost her. Luck was on her side though, she came through it and was able to hold her new born son, Lachlan, and know what it really is to love and be loved.

In SVB our Libby is a little different and yet still the same. The daughter of Callie and Bastian Murdoch, she always knew about the supernatural world before it had been revealed to the public. Her father was a three hundred year old werewolf and her mother was a banshee a millennia old, her history stretching back to the Roman invasion of Britain. She grew up in London in relative safety, the city being one where supernaturals could easily hide. There was still a passion for art and a love for her family. There was always a feeling of something being missing however, and it was not until she turned sixteen that she was told why. Libby was a wolf and that side of her had already found its wolf mate only he had run away from her. That left a hole inside of her that she could never fill, and it was only when her mother told her where to find the other half of her did Libby end up in Barcelona. This was a different experience for her, the supernatural world was more in the open here even though it was not without its risks. But more importantly she found him, she found Jack in the heart of the city and suddenly that part of her no longer felt empty. That did not mean however she didn't have many reservations. Libby had been brought up as a strong woman with her own emotions and thoughts, love and living in Barcelona were things she would have to deal with in her own way and own time.

There is so much I could say about Libby, it is wonderful to take such an interesting character and see her on such a different journey through different stages of her life and different universes. So congratulations Mel (Laudanum) on Libby and Character Spotlight of the month!

Lando 01-07-2018 04:02 PM

Elizabeth Zhang

We've now hit July and our 12th character of the month. We've decided to turn the spotlight on our newest game, the warm island of Antillia to meet Elizabeth Zhang to uncover all the secrets she may hold close to her heart.

Elizabeth was both as Yingchen, a native of Jinan, China. Her mother was a teenager when she'd had her and her grandmother kicked her out when she became pregnant. They left the country and Liz grew up on the edge of China Town, living a life between two worlds. It wasn't a perfect childhood either, her mother went from abusive boyfriend to abusive boyfriend and by the age of 12 she herself had begun smoking and drinking. The boyfriends often turned on her as well, her childhood made her grow up fast, she barely went to school and her way of life truly meant she barely had any childhood at all. By the age of 15 she'd moved out of home and generally jumped from boyfriend to boyfriend, not being so different from her mother after all.

That meant by the time she had met Tom it was easy for her to trust her heart to someone that truly should never have been trusted. He threw cash at her, took her away to LA, gave her a life she had never known she could have and in turn it gave him a chance to emotionally abuse her and become her whole life. Not only that but he managed to poison her and steal her away to the island of Antillia, keeping her drugged and out of it for a whole year to the point that Liz almost lost herself completely. Currently she is trying to pick up the pieces to her life, all the while getting to know the man who had watched over in her coma but also the man whom had ultimately saved her. Bamboo was Tom's brother but he had also been duped into playing a part in all of her trauma. It began off awkwardly, understandably so, eventually it started to become a little easier between them. However the question of Tom/Hickle was still there when he would eventually turn up once more as well as Liz getting through her therapy and getting better.

Truly Liz is one of the most complex characters on the board with an interesting storyline to follow! Congratulations Daphne (Callista) on Liz and Character Spotlight of the month!

Lando 01-08-2018 05:20 PM

Cristian Falco

For the first time we find ourself in Prague for our lucky 13th Character of the Month with Cristian Falco one of our ballet boys.

Cristian is the middle of three children, born to an Italian father and an America mother, making him fluent in both languages. Ultimately however he grew up in Kansas, America which was where he began to learn his craft. Always a perfectionist he didn't let it phase him when people called him names, he had a goal to get to and he was going to get there with hard work. There was a lot of passion within Cristian, passion that came out as anger that he put into the dance. It made him critical of everything too, not just of himself but of everyone else too, the Italian part of himself shining through. His dream was to be a member of the School of American Ballet but after his parents divorced when he was 15 that dream began to crumble. Especially when his mother met in love with a Czech man and the two of them married, moving them all across the world to start a new life.

In Prague he was enrolled in the National Ballet School there whilst also attending High School. He'd thought that as soon as he'd graduated he would move back to America to join the national school back home but when the chance to join the Czech National Theatre Ballet was presented it he decided to remain in Prague. He found himself living with two other people in a house share, one housemate wasn't too bad but living with Rafael wasn't easy. The other man was a stripper whom likes to have lovers over and walks around naked all the time. Just because Cristian was gay didn't mean that he was going to fall for him that easily, despite what the other man might have thought. Then again with Rafael now injured and Cristian helping to look after him it seemed like feelings were all over the place and he was flirting a little bit with danger. He even took to leaving the ballet on time and not staying afterwards for more practice. What exactly could it all mean?

Cristian is one of the hardest working ballet dancers in Prague, no doubt he'll be principal soon! Congratulations Sandra (Kaz Brekker) on Cristian and Character Spotlight of the month!

Lando 02-09-2018 02:38 PM

Romeo Fitz

In September we fly back to the game where dreams do come true for Character of the Month with Romeo Fitz, budding actor but also so much more.

Fitz was born in Newport from a family whom came from money. It was a comfortable beginnings which made him one of the lucky ones in life. It put an extra swag in his step and gave him a good education in a private school, there was clearly little that he went without. That didn't make Fitz a bad boy it simply meant that he'd never fallen upon hard times. He was always the popular boy at school, the one who talked to everyone who almost seemed to float through the halls with ease. The same could almost be said when he first became an actor; his parents would find the auditions and he would simply turn up, try out and if he got the part he wanted great. For an industry where so many struggled to fit in it seemed for Fitz it was right where he belonged. Small parts kept coming his way until he found his big break as Jesus in the Fosters. He wasn't a household name yet but it seemed that good things kept coming his way. Especially with many films lined up for Netflix releases around the world.

And then there was Isa. She was someone new in his life, someone whom he wanted to date and see where it went. Their night at Hamburger Mary's was pretty amazing, Bingo and Drag Queens was not a combination that most girls would get but she seemed to get it and get him. They were after all both Actors and so her becoming his girlfriend felt natural because Isa would understand their world better than most. There would be no rushing, this relationship was something Fitz wanted, that made him feel wonderful. Even if he did struggle with the thought of keeping everything PG for now.

Fitz is adorable and we all love seeing his relationship with Isa grow! Congratulations Sandra (Lara Jean Covey) on Fitz and Character Spotlight of the month!

Lando 05-11-2018 06:13 AM

Elizabeth Paredes

Very late with October's Character of the Month but it was completely worth the wait for our beautiful model Elizabeth Paredes.

Elizabeth was born as the only child to her single mother Slyvia, a woman who worked hard to look after her young daughter as well as her ailing mother. Their apartment was tiny but it was never lacking in love and warmth. Her mother worked long hours and two jobs to pay for all the basic things they needed in life and as Elizabeth grew she would help her with whatever chores she could around the house. From a young age she showed an affinity for cooking, usually cooking the evening meal when her mother went back out to work. Despite all of this however her mother made sure to give her daughter everything, at the age of four she'd placed her into gymnastics class. Elizabeth had a gift and quickly was moved up to a more advanced class and she'd begun to enter competitions. It gave her motivation and determination to win because she loved the feeling she got from this. That however was not something that would be easy for Elizabeth, everything cost money which meant she had to find a way to make it work, her mother would continue to work all the hours God sent and she would take herself to competitions. The gymnastics world became her second family and Elizabeth was determined to go all the way.

Her true reality was however that upon hitting her teenage years her body began to change, no longer was she the tiny girl that was the perfect shape for her sport, she had grown taller than everyone else with curves to match. There were eating plans in place to help keep her body toned but it was not something her family could afford. Quickly this spiralled into Elizabeth purging whenever she ate something she shouldn't have done. When her mother discovered the truth it was decided that she should take a break from competing in order to focus on herself and getting better. Visiting a therapist once a month helped although it did not improve her own body image. Which was why being discovered by a modelling agent was such a surprise. Her mother was wary of it but Elizabeth decided to pursue it any way. The money was good and it would be a way for her to support her mother. It was hard though, much harder than the gymnastics and when she moved to LA the purging started up once more.

Things are now starting to go Elizabeth's way. Professionally she had never been more desired, Victoria's Secret had even invited her back to walk in the show this year and romantically she had William Carlson to keep her very warm in his giant cuddles. However her secret hangs in the air and it's only a matter of time before someone discovers it once more. Congratulations to Vicki (Cheryl Blossom) on Elizbaeth and October's Character Spotlight of the month!

Lando 05-11-2018 06:48 AM

Miles Laurie

For the first time we find ourselves deep in the heart of London town to meet Miles Laurie our November Character Spotlight of the Month!

Miles is one of our third gen characters, born to Keaton Laurie and Josie Ross, an unplanned surprise in their lives but a completely wonderful one all the same. His whole family were wrapped up in the business of Hollywood, something that could be daunting to most children but Miles was up to creating his own legacy for the future. He was born in New York, growing up in the big city was great and as his family was fairly global he got to travel often between LA and Australia as well. School was something he loved as well, Math and Science was his jam but his future lay in writing just like his mother. He was a good kid, never pushing at the boundaries too much and overall he had a happy childhood and a happy life.

Miles was the valedictorian of his class but he didn't find himself flying too far away from home to start, studying creative writing at NYU. He became friends with his roommate Peter, but better friends with his roommates girlfriend Olivia. He had a huge crush on her but it felt more important for the two of them to be friends. His career was what was important and after graduation he found himself writing scripts for a soap opera. That wasn't the dream though, at least not long term. It gave him the tools he needed though to develop a project of his very own, a comedy based loosely on his own life with a whole family of actors. Never in his wildest dreams did he expect it to be picked up by the BBC! This wasn't a small time gig. It required him however to pick up his entire life from New York and fly across the pond to London, something that meant leaving his family and Olivia behind but it was his future and he had to go. Luckily Olivia found herself in London not too long after him and he felt a little less home sick. After taking her to a ex's wedding and pretending to be her boyfriend their relationship started to change. He was their to help support her which ended up in one kiss than another and then another and quickly it became apparent they were more than just friends.

Miles is pretty sweet and adorable and his relationship with Olivia is one to watch. Congratulations Amy (Soul Traveller) on Miles and Character Spotlight of the month!

Lando 09-12-2018 04:42 PM

Jamie Wood

Just in time for Christmas we have found December's Character Spotlight of the Month in the form of Jamie Wood!

Starting life in the state of Alabama Jamie was born as the youngest of four children. His parents had been childhood sweethearts, starting their family young, and while they had some family able to help them nearby they still dreamed of a better future. The glitz and glam of Hollywood seemed to have a better draw for them and so they picked up their lives and moved to be closer to friends that would be able to help them. As he grew up Jamie could barely remember anything from life in Alabama, Los Angeles was his home and what he remembered. It didn't stop his parents been deeply conservative though, keeping that attitude despite the move to such a liberal state. For the most part it was okay though; he was a shy child who loved to read just about everything. His siblings teased him about it though, only ever in the way that siblings could though. School was harder, there he was actually bullied but his older siblings always looked out for him and protected him.

School was the place that he discovered a lot about himself. He was a man of science; astronomy was something that he loved deeply. It made him different from his siblings but that was okay, it made him unique. At ten his parents gifted him with his first telescope and that became his most prized possession. In high school he found himself making friends less easily than others but once he was a part of the science and astronomy clubs he became one of the best students in the school. There was more bullying that came with that but he had good friends to turn to. The thing however that made him the most different from his family however was that of his sexuality. Jamie was gay but he was scared of revealing that part of himself. It didn't stop the giant crush he had on the very outgoing Miguel Ángel. At first he thought he was invisible to him but after a chance email that became a conversation back and forth Jamie's hopes are high. Especially now that they've hung out at Miguel's house and perhaps the two of them are stumbling over arranging another hang out.

Jamie is adorable and so is his budding relationshop. Congratulations Matt (Sansa Stark) on Jamie and Character Spotlight of the month!

Louis de Pointe du Lac 11-01-2019 11:52 AM

Jackson Sisk

Escaping the west coast winter, we dart across the American continent to the crisp and cool New York City, starting the new year with Jackson Sisk. Jackson is the son of two Hollywood hotties, so it's no wonder he has a fine face of his own. Elise Montgomery and Jedediah Sisk met on the set of a movie about dinosaurs, so it became a childhood passion of Jackson's. He could name dinosaurs and draw them, and he was totally determined that paleontology was going to be his career path.

In high school, he won a comic art competition with his dinosaur work, winning him a trip to San Francisco, and a plausible career back up plan as a comic artist. He kept drawing in college while he studied geology and biology, still plotting his big dream as a paleontology. Those were the science subjects he would need, so that was what he did. He studied hard and even spent time in a fraternity before he realised how disgusting the Greek system could truly be, before graduating and looking ahead to study in New York City at Cornell University.

But too much study makes Jackson a dull stegosaurus, so instead, he packed his things and took himself off from California on a road trip. It was a life of motels, cheap food and new friends, but Jackson pulled through the struggles to keep on his way. At one stop, he almost ran over Daisy Ford, who joined him on the road. Stops from there included Florida, Georgia, Tennessee and Missouri, as the tour continued, but mounting gas bills wasn't the only thing that developed. It's almost inevitable in close quarters for the sexual tension to mount and no one is surprised that Jackson's been falling hard for his travelling partner. All he wanted to do by the time they reached Kansas City was to take Daisy on a proper date, which seems to have been a rousing success.

But can this last? Once this trip is over, once the car is out of the picture, can this relationship grow and last? We're excited to find out where Jackson's journey goes with Daisy! Congrats Anna (Steve Rogers) on Jackson and Character Spotlight of the Month!

Louis de Pointe du Lac 01-02-2019 10:02 PM

Chris Becker-Reid

I have a bone to pick with whoever thought me writing this and having it done succinctly was possible and a good idea, but here goes! It's time to throw a spotlight on a man who would rather not be in the spotlight any more, Chris Becker-Reid. A New Yorker born and bred, Chris has traveled a lot, but always seems to find his way back to the city, regardless of how much he would rather not be there. They say doctors' families die young, so of course the son of a policeman was a trouble maker and a rebel, delving into all the darker sides of life. Running with some questionable people, he fell into a life of drugs and was kicked out of home by seventeen.

A lucky break saw him taken into a musical program that took him to Paris. Music was an interest and he took the opportunity. It was there that he met Esme, the woman who would be his first wife. Now there were two of them with spiraling drug addicts, a baby on the way, and a relationship doomed to fail. Some time after the baby was born, Chris ran, finding himself back in New York. It was there that he met Ivan Reid, a new music producer with a need to harness Chris' talents if only Chris would let him. At the time it was not to be. The next years that followed saw Chris living in different places across America, watching as his drug habits continued, and loved ones continued to fall around him. Both children with Esme gone, as well as Esme herself eventually. Elsie, his young fiance, supposedly dead, leaving him with a tiny infant.

For a hot minute, his musical career flourished, a hit album written in the middle of pain. Ivan blinked in and out of his life as well, that relationship building into something that both men struggled to name. The love that developed was tumultuous, passionate and somewhat addictive, and mutual need saw them married. But that relationship was not remotely easy, made harder when Chris' young son, Jackson, went missing. The marriage fractured as no word came, to the point where Chris called for a marriage separation and left town to avoid the memories and the grief that were eating him alive. Years sober, his drug habit resurfaced, just in time for the news to come through that Jackson was found dead.

Another person dead in a list too long for one person to bear, on a heart already too strained by a hard life. Is it possible to forgive, to survive? One thing's for sure, it's going to be a hard, emotional ride. Congrats Kirsten (Machiavellian) on Chris and Character Spotlight of the Month!

Norris 01-03-2019 01:25 AM

Dylan Montagna

It's March and it's heating up outside so we're returning to the the sunny city of Barcelona. There, across La Rambla, we can find Dylan Montagna, a bartending werewolf from just outside Naples.

The story of Dylan Montagna is heartbreaking to say the least. During his formative years Dylan was part of a large, rowdy pack. But he was a little different. Dylan continued to transform into his were form when the others of his own age stopped and it made him emotional, to say the least. He was older the first time he managed a conscious shift and it went as wrong as it could. After the incident Dylan was exiled to Barcelona where the packs ran differently. He never quite fit in with other weres there but he's found a place for himself at a local bar where he gets to meet all kinds. Not too fond of his name, Dylan now goes by Franco.

One of Dylan's more generous attributes is that he keeps an eye out for others. He learned the hard way that not everyone had the same generosity and he knows there are many out there who aren't pleased with his kindness. Even so, Dylan has made a few friends for himself in Barcelona, Levi, Helen and Evan, to name a few. Evan the little vampire who he offered his couch to and became a bed fellow after a steamy date at L'Ovella Negra Ramblas. Full of cute flirty moments there's obviously something epic growing between the werewolf without a pack and the philanthropic vampire. Who says differing species can't get along?

There is a lot more to Dylan that's going to keep us hooked and we can't wait to see more of his story unfold. . Congratulations Sarah (Domino) on Dylan and Character Spotlight of the month!

Lando 04-04-2019 08:19 PM

Teresa Ortiz-Pearson

April has arrived and we walk into a beautiful Spring day in Seattle to find Teresa Ortiz-Pearson, one of the kindest and most beautiful witches to be found. The second daughter to a Emilio and Maria Ortiz, Tesa was very much your typical army brat. They travelled around a lot when she was a kid, her sister Bianca was really her only company, and so often the family were separated such as when her father was in Germany. As a consequence the girls often stayed with their Abuela in New Mexico, which was were Tesa came to learn of her magical inheritance. Through patience and love Abuela discovered Tesa's talent for divination and foresight, she had a gift for tarot cards and tea leaves, something that would carry her through to her future. Despite these gifts however it didn't prepare the young witch for when the family moved to Fort Sam Houston, where she would meet Riley Pearson and the course of her life would change forever.

Love at first sight was the only way that Tesa could describe it, the powerful feeling in her stomach that felt like pure magic was always there every time she saw him. The morning they had met she had drawn two cups and Tesa knew what it meant but not that it would be something as powerful as this. They were only twelve however but the two of them became the best of friends, she had someone else she could be herself with. Even if she did have to hide the fact she was a witch from him. Over their teenage years they grew closer together and eventually they kissed and began dating. They were young but Tesa knew this was it for the rest of her life and one day she would tell him the truth about herself.

The end of junior year however changed everything, her parents were being moved and they wouldn't let her remain behind without them. Her heart was broken when they moved to Washington DC, at first she and Riley were constantly writing to one another but within the year it almost seemed to stop suddenly. Tesa was alone and heart sick and without the future she had planned so hard for. Finally one of her friends called to tell her that she had seen Riley with another girl in Texas and she truly believed he had forgotten all about her. It was around then she met Alex, it wasn't the same feeling as she'd had with Riley but it had been something. However it messed with her head and pretty quickly Tesa dropped out of life and her parents worrying for her sent her to live with her Abuela to straighten her out. They couldn't have known at the time that Tesa was expecting a child of her own.

Sofia was her whole world, a tiny baby that she could love and protect and she would do everything she could for. Because of her daughter she went back to school and got her teaching certificate, she wanted Sof to be so proud of her and everything she achieved. Her Abuela helped her and she loved her grandmother so very much that it hurt deeply when she died peacefully in her sleep. There was nothing tying her to New Mexico any more but she didn't want to go to be with her parents. Instead she found a job in Seattle and moved her and Sofia there to start a fresh on their own terms. Finding a Coven was pretty easy but the very last person she had expected to see in there was Riley. The boy she had loved as a teenager was in Seattle and he himself was a witch! Perhaps it should have been a struggle but it was easy to fall back in love with him all over again, for them to get married and for Riley to adopt Sofia as his own. It wasn't the plan they'd had but Tesa couldn't think of anything more perfect. Except perhaps the secret she was keeping from her husband, sleeping beneath her heart.

Tesa is a force of pure goodness in the world and we can't wait to see so much more love and joy from her. Congratulations Mel (Peter Parker) on Tesa and Character Spotlight of the month!

Lando 02-05-2019 07:15 PM

George Matthew Glenmire-Flynn

We find ourselves back in the heart of New York for May's character of the month. If you're in need of a Doctor take yourself into the ER and find yourself the ever charming and handsome George "Matt" Glenmire-Flynn to see to your pain. One smile from him should probably work a treat!

Born as the middle son of a Scottish Earl Matt was born into wealth and privilege without needing to worry too much about the weight of the responsibility. He knew that he wanted to work in health care, it seemed to be the fate of all three of the G-Flynn boys, although at first he wanted to be a nurse. Eventually his desire turned to medicine, he wanted to be someone that could make others better and being a Doctor was a wonderful way of doing that. As the brother in the middle he found he got on well with both Richard and Henry, even if there was the occasional fight between them, he loved them both so much. They were his best friends and he would do anything for them. That did not stop him however wanting to see the world, wanting to learn more about just what England had to offer him when it came to being a Doctor. Travelling to New Zealand was something he knew he had to do in his blood and he spent several years there whilst he trained, loving the country like a second home. It was there that he met Josie Davies, the love of his life, and he knew that he had found everything that he was looking for.

Unfortunately timing had never been his strong suite. His brother Henry was sick and he knew he needed to be there for him and he also wanted to experience being a Doctor in another part of the world. Leaving Josie was one of the hardest things he'd ever had to do but he loved his brothers and wanted to be there for both of them. He was a lucky man however, his girl moved half way across the world to be with him and he found himself even more in love with her. They moved into an apartment together and Matt found himself incredibly happy. Now that his brother was getting better he knew that it would soon be time for his family to meet the woman he loved. Life was looking pretty good.

Lets hope that the future continues to look good for Matt! Congrats Lindsey (Bucky Barnes ) on Matt and Character Spotlight of the Month!

Norris 01-06-2019 09:40 AM

Atticus Edison

This is a District Line train to Richmond, next stop Kew Gardens. Please alight here to meet Atticus Edison, our Character Spotlight of the Month for June!

Atticus is an interesting fellow. Born in Utah, he was the child of fundamentalist Mormons, Hank and Melinda. Only Hank had four other wives, Joy, Adelae, Rosa and Joslin. With a gaggle of children and several houses full of family, Atticus was a happy and loved child. But that life wasn't for Atticus and he left the church, his family and the only life he had known behind for New York City. Enrolled at NYU, Atticus found writing and passion that compelled him to write novels. His first novel was a hit, but it was four novels later that his life truly changed. After a meeting with his future agent, Ezra, encouraged Atticus to branch out and he began a successful side career as a scriptwriter for television shows. And when Ezra left the city, Atticus pulled up the tentative roots he had put down in New York and made another move to another big city, London.

In London, Atticus tried his hand at writing for the stage and occasionally trying his hand at acting in the productions. Life was very different and definitely on the up and up. With his writing career going from strength to strength and his works being turned into television shows and films, Atticus had little to complain about. Other than his love life. Of all the things he was missing, Atticus longed for one who was truly his. He tried dating but Atticus had pledged to wait for the right one and marriage. Even as his closest friends found love and he watched as they had everything he wanted, Atticus waited. Who came blowing through the door wasn't what he expecting.

Atticus's life with Audrey Temperley in it hasn't been easy. She's been sarcastic, closed off and more than a little mean coming off of a divorce. The last thing she wanted was another relationship but Atticus was patient and sure that she was who was meant for him. It took him time to break through to Audrey and despite their differences and her insistence that she's never getting married ever again, Atticus has found a loving relationship with Audrey. Their relationship together hasn't been without its ups and downs and their plans for the future have hit a snafu. While marriage isn't on the cards right now, Atticus may find fatherhood is on the horizon, once he and Audrey finally decide if it's surrogacy or adoption in their future.

Dear Atticus hasn't always had it easy but it looks like the stars are finally aligning for our boy. Congratulations Vicky (Painted in Flames) on Atticus and Character Spotlight of the month!

Midnight Hands 06-10-2019 01:27 PM

Calliope Cromwell

For July's Character Spotlight of the Month, we’re looking at the magical city of Seattle and Calliope Cromwell, a telekinetic barista settling into a new life outside of Salem.

Calliope was born in between of two older twin brothers, and a younger brother, with a fairly happy childhood. With a love of Batman and softball, she knew that her mother would have wanted her to be more of a girly girl, but she marched to the beat of her own drum all the way to Salem State. Things got a little more interesting when she started to work at her parents’ coffee/pottery shop, but also when she started helping with marijuana sales. That’s how she met Jon, who was 10 years her senior. When her parents started to get suspicious that he was stealing money, she refused to believe it, and decided to move in with Jon in Boston.

Eventually, Jon’s abusive side began to show, and it took a while for her to feel like she could escape. She finally got out, and made it to Washington DC, with enough drugs to keep her going. When those ran out, her brother convinced her to go to rehab. After she got her life back in order, and found out that Jon was in prison, she went back home to her parents, and started working as a Barista again. Salem was her home, but she found herself in a series of bad situations. From the relationship with Garret Heartwood, a witch who turned out to be too attached to his ex, to the fact that Jon was back in Salem again, trying to get her back, and hooked on drugs again, there were a lot of compelling reasons for her to get a fresh start. Now, she’s in Seattle, hoping for a fresh start. It’s terrifying to be in a new city, but with a new job at Storyville Coffee, she’s doing much better.

Starting fresh can be scary, but with people like Rye in her life, things are looking up! Congratulations Jax (You Say) on Calliope and Character Spotlight of the month!

Midnight Hands 07-10-2019 06:16 AM

Camden Hightower

Seattle keeps our focus even in August as we follow Camden Hightower’s life and journey through understanding his life and finding himself in this big bad world.

Despite growing up with everything, Camden didn’t have the attention and affection of his parents and this didn’t help when it came to life outside of the house either. Making friends was difficult and having easy access to money also got him involved in circle of drugs, which didn’t help either. While it got the attention of his parents after Camden suffered an overdose, they gave him an ultimatum - clean up your act and we’ll give you your trust fund. Camden did what he could, but it wasn’t that easy.

Camden came into his powers a little late in life, but it was instantaneous almost with how fast he adapted to transmutation. And then came telekenesis and Camden was well ahead of the curve, perfecting his powers and learning what it could do. But did that stop the drugs? Not even close. His third and final visit to rehab changed everything. In an attempt to cut his parents out of his life resulted in them buying him a beautiful condo in Seattle and it gave Camden a chance to finally find himself and be his own person.

And along with that, came the introduction of Marty Drysdale. Cute as a button and a little awkward, Marty is the perfect balance to Camden. Their cute flirting and bantering is addictive and while it’s still the early stages, their first kiss could set the world on fire. Ah, young love. We’re looking forward to seeing how Camden and Marty’s relationship evolve! Congratulations Todd (The Supreme) on the wonderful Camden and Character Spotlight of the month!

Louis de Pointe du Lac 07-10-2019 06:42 AM

Pippa de Luca

September saw us touring around North America, following the tour of the young musical star that is Pippa de Luca!

Pippa grew up in a family of Italian immigrants in Canada's capital, Ottawa. Singing wasn't something that she took to early, having to grow through shyness to be comfortable in her own voice. She found her safe space in class and in choir, developing her love of music there before her talent was recognised and fostered by a keen-eyed teacher. A passion for singing turned into a love of song-writing, and as she grew, Pippa began penning her own words through the use of a guitar that her father bought for her. It was clear to her that academic study was never her path and so she began her pursuit into the world of the arts.

Coffee shops and open mic nights turned into recording sessions and sent out demos. Luckier than most, Pippa was only sixteen when she caught someone's eye and signed a record deal. Two years and some hard lessons later, her first big song took her global and countries everywhere knew her sound. After some bad contracts and a new label, Pippa was soaring, with a team of people she was beginning to trust and some friends who were also big friends in the industry. These days, she's doing a world tour with Bryce Rivera, trading gossip about Margot Lefevre, and navigating problematic feelings for Caleb Waverley. It's hard when you've got feelings for your best friend's ex and they're reciprocated. But a big blow up with Lilah sent Pippa into Cal's arms and now it's a question of how far how fast.

It's hard enough surviving a world tour, but navigating a collapsing friendship and a potential relationship as well is pressure any person could crack under. It's a wait and see game to see how Pippa will get through it, and we're excited to see where it goes! Congratulations Vicki (Good Girls) on Pippa and Character Spotlight of the month!

Lestat de Lioncourt 07-10-2019 07:30 AM

Martin Drysdale

For October’s Character Spotlight, we’ve got a hot one. Martin Drysdale warms our hearts every time we see him on the page, and that’s not just because he’s always there when we need help starting the grill.

Hailing from Arizona, the Drysdale family has a common theme in their abilities, which was the ability to control the element of fire. Marty is no exception. Even if Marty looks back on a lot of the normalcy of his life back home with a grimace on his face, those years shaped him into a charismatic young man who was ready to face the world. It seems like the effort it took to get him out of his comfort zone may have put him a bit on edge. With the college application process already being stressful, applying to out-of-state schools led Marty all the way to Seattle, Washington.

In Seattle it was fairly easy for Marty to settle in with the local covens. He made a few friends, found a house share that he liked, and landed a job working at the Space Needle. Working at the Space Needle may not have helped his affection for tourists but does anything help one’s affection for tourists? He even had some time left over to maintain his basketball skills, even though he only considered himself a hobbyist. It was also in Seattle that he met Camden Hightower, whom Marty seems to have conflicting feelings about. On the one hand, he really likes kissing Camden, and on the other hand, kissing Camden is in direct conflict with his desire to avoid major life changes or disrupt the fairly low key existence that he had going for himself.

Marty hasn’t seemed to adjust to the idea of actually liking a guy. In fact, he often recounts the past instance when everything got a bit too intense for him and he lit the drapes on fire. No matter how quickly he adjusts, he’s going to have a hard time getting himself out of this one because Camden seems quite taken with him. Camden admits that it that requires some exceptional patience on his part but he seems happier with Marty around. Going to the gym or grabbing a quick bite didn’t require a romantic entanglement and they participated in those activities together often. Most recently it seems like they’ve had an impromptu barbecue and things were getting a bit spicy. To be clear, we’re not talking about the burgers they were grilling.

Whatever the future holds for Marty can’t be seen, at least not without the gift of Divination, but we’re happy to watch it unfold. A round of applause for Sarah (Domino) for bringing Marty to life and for being October’s Character Spotlight of the month!

Lando 04-12-2019 12:15 PM

Marisa Strickland

For the cool autumn air of November we find ourselves staying in Seattle with Marisa Strickland, a source of good to be found in the world.

Her parents moved to Seattle when her mother was pregnant with her, her father Ned still mourning the loss of his own father and needing a change. The chance of work as well as finding a like minded Coven meant that they as a family found the perfect home and to be around other families too. One such family was that of the Glovers, Ambrose was their son and a similar enough age to herself. They became best friends, going to school together and being able to be open about magic with one another. Things weren't so easy for them though, Ambrose's parents were killed by a hateful witch and her own parents took him into their home for protection. They continued to be very close and their magic developed, Marisa discovering herself that she had the gift of telekinesis.

The world wasn't all magic of course, Marisa had designs to be something more than just a witch when she was grown up. When it was time to go to college she decided to study interior design. That was were her passion lay, that and making sure to keep Ambrose as a very firm fixture in her life. There had been other boys but he was her best friend and the most important person in her life. She managed to get a job right out of college with a design company, that and her growing magic kept her happy. Ambrose of course had to take work as a firefighter which kept her on constant edge all the time. This was her life though and she hadn't thought anything would change it.

A trip to Vegas seemed to change her careful plans. Ambrose who had been her best friend since childhood suddenly turned into something much more and during a crazy few days they ended up getting very drunkenly married. Sex had been the forefront of everything but it had been later on that the freak out had come and Marisa wasn't sure what the hell had happened. Plus he loved her? That was completely new information for her and she needed to process that. Or was it simply that she too had loved him all along and was only just understanding this?

Marisa has always been there for the side of good and now she is understanding the whole world of love that goes along side it. Congratulations Amy (Decoded Poetry) on Marisa and Character Spotlight of the month!

Norris 05-12-2019 08:15 AM

Stasia Bryant

It's fitting that as the weather in the northern hemisphere turns brisk we're heading deep into the heart of old Bohemia to catch up with Stasia Bryant one of The Czech National Ballet's most promising ballerina's.

At just nineteen, Stasia Bryant is in her second year as a Second Soloist with the Czech National Ballet. Though she cuts an impressive figure on stage, not many know that she was born for this. Both her mother and her father had been up and coming with the American Ballet Theatre. Fate had other things in store and while her father went on to have an impressive ballet career, her mother gave it all up. And didn't she spend Stasia's life reminding her of that. Pushed into ballet classes from the moment she was old enough, Greer Bryant was going to make sure her daughter was the ballet dancer she couldn't be.

Once her formal training was through, Stasia had her heart set on the Royal Ballet in England. It wasn't to be, however, the Czech National came through. Ruza Rezabek, the new director saw something she liked and now Stasia is being given the opportunity to work her way up the hierarchy in the ballet company. The first year was splendid, Stasia made second soloist quite quickly. The second year, however, is proving a little more challenging. If it wasn't bad enough that her biological father has made an appearance in the form of the Czech National Ballet's new Ballet Master, Stasia also found herself in the middle of a very strange love triangle. Her best friend and the boy she was in love with.

Life has a way of working out, though. The love triangle became a bit of a love rhombus which caused injury and heartache for a while. Now it all seems to be resolved, Stasia is getting to know the handsome, young James Glenmire-Flynn without feeling guilty. If only the situation with her dad could be resolved so easily...

Poor Stasia's had a lot going on but hopefully she'll be moving onwards and upwards in the coming season! Congratulations Vicky (Jo March) on Stasia and Character Spotlight of the month!

Lando 02-03-2020 04:03 PM

Beatriz Howard

While the weather reminds cold outside for most we find ourselves heading back to the island to warm up this January with Beatriz Howard to keep us company.

Born to a very happy family in Los Angeles Beatriz spent her early years looking up at her family, rather literally. While all her siblings were tall and could double as catwalk models, she found herself being a tiny little thing in comparison. However just because she was shorter than her family she more than made up for it in personality. Her parents were famous in their own right and she knew exactly how to stand tall because of it. Her up bringing was relatively normal though, she wasn't shipped off to a private school so Bea, as her father affectionally named her, grew up like most other kids and that kept her down to Earth and a wonderful person to be around. Something that she loved deeply was dance, after her father had taken her for the first time she was hooked completely, her future would be linked to this some how. When it was time for school the California Institute of the Arts was were she ended up, her passion meant she was good enough to get in.

There was still room for romance in her life though. She met Daniel, an artist who seemed to be just as passionate as she was. Beatriz couldn't say that her relationship with him was some epic romance like that of her parents but she was comfortable in it and they seemed to move along at a decent pace. It gave her the breathing space she needed to try and make it as a dancer, constantly going for auditions before she made a spot in P!nk's troupe. Going on tour meant that it was always a relief when she came home even if she had to ignore some pretty obvious signs that not everything was quite right with Daniel.

It was after the world tour that her friends decided to take her on an amazing holiday which is how she ended up on Antillia in the first place. What she hadn't expected to find there was Milo Ritter, tall and handsome, setting off some pretty amazing sparks inside of her. Beatriz had to push those feelings to one side because she was not a cheater no matter what she was feeling. Going home was the right thing to do, or she had thought so until she had walked in on Daniel cheating on her out in the open in their own apartment. It just made her decision easy, walking out on the scum bag and getting on a flight straight back to Antillia. She didn't know if a relationship was on the table with Milo but the way she felt around him was more than she ever felt around Daniel so she would jump in with both feet.

Love is in the air for Beatriz so let's hope it's a happy ending. Congratulations Anna (Steve Rogers) on Beatriz and Character Spotlight of the month!

Lando 02-03-2020 06:04 PM

James Glenmire-Flynn

Those Glenmire-Flynn's are spreading out across the world! New York, Dublin and this February we have landed in Prague with Jamie Glenmire-Flynn.

Jamie was born less than five minutes after his twin brother Oscar came into the world but that was almost a blessing for him. His brother got some stuffy unimportant title that other people would make a big deal about but Jamie got to be himself, confident and amazing as always. He loved his twin brother more than anything in the whole world, the G-Flynn boys were as close as twins could be but he also adored his younger brother and sister considering they were another set of twins that came only a year after their arrival into the world. There was never a moment that Jamie didn't know that he was loved, not only were his parents there for him always but so were his aunts and uncles. Aunt Clemmie's children were like cousin's to him even if they weren't related which was why even though he knew Lissie had a tiny crush on him he wouldn't even entertain the idea. Some how though his family got the idea he was a bit of a ladies man as he grew up but he was just a confident approachable guy. When he met the one he would know, wouldn't he? A fairytale like his parents was just what he wanted.

Thing was Jamie wasn't entirely sure what he wanted to do with his future. Oscar had his drawings, his twin wanted to create comic books which was great but that wasn't exactly for him. His Uncle Gordy suggested architecture. He couldn't say that he was passionate about it, not like his brother or even Lissie about her ballet but it seemed to fit. Besides with a career like that he could work anywhere in the world. Something that worked out well for him because the moment Lissie had talked about moving abroad to join a ballet company he knew his twin was going to follow her. Oscar was the most important person to him so wherever his brother went he would follow too. Czech Technical University wouldn't have been his first choice but considering his own father had ended up miles from home and his Grandpa before him perhaps it was just meant to be? Besides why not learn how to be an architect in a city that was off the hook with it's buildings.

Prague had been pretty decent had he set up a business with his brother there that took off well enough fast enough. Things seemed stable enough which was why it was completely world changing when he met Stasia Bryant. The ballet dancer with legs for days stole his heart in less than five minutes of meeting her, love at first sight happened again for a third generation in a row! Naturally it didn't go smoothly at first, not when it came out that Lissie was in love with him but he had never had feelings for his best friend like that. He had to pine and miss his ballerina for weeks until things could be resolved but when she let him back into her heart he was determined to never let her go. On their first official date everything clicked into place for him and Jamie found himself proposing to her because he knew that he would love her for the rest of his life.

Jamie's world is looking bright because his wedding day is almost here and things couldn't be better. Congratulations Mel (Wanda Vision) on Jamie and Character Spotlight of the month!

Lando 02-03-2020 07:40 PM

Kaitlyn Hitchcock

We stay in Prague for March seeing as that cold weather has probably halted flights out of the city. No worry though because Kaitlyn Hitchcock might just invite us in to stay warm.

Kait was born as one of three children to a very wealthy family. The upper east side even looked a little bit poor compared to her father and his company. As such, and rather unfortunately for her, her parents had planned out their children's futures wanting all that money to stay with people that they thought appropriate to marry into their family. Which was why before she was even a year old her parents had signed a contract with the Gregory-Clarke's to betroth her to their son Jonathan. Didn't matter that she was a child, they wanted to control her future in their vision. Kait didn't even meet Jonathan or his older brother Oliver until she was older, her parents had hoped it would be love at first sight between her and Jon but she had a massive crush on Ollie from the moment they met. They were still kids though and the three of them became good friends. As they got older though and moved on towards adulthood her crush on Ollie only grew stronger until she was convinced she was in love with him but Kait couldn't do anything about it. He wouldn't feel the same in return would he?

It was when she was around 16 that the truth of the contract came out to everyone involved. Her parents told her in no uncertain terms that when she turned 18 it would be announced to society that she and Jon were engaged, it seemed as if the two of them had no say in the matter! She liked Jon but she didn't have a crush on him, not like she did his big brother. Both she and Jon tried to see what they could do to get out of it but the contract was like a tangled web she couldn't get out of and it all felt hopeless. She wanted to be independent and this was going against all of that. Perhaps a part of her wanted to give in to it though because after she spent time with Jon she could feel herself developing some feelings for him but it just wasn't the same as she felt for her brother.

Things turned so much more awkward when it seemed that Ollie began to look back at her. No matter that she was falling in love with Jon as well, she knew that she already loved Ollie and the two of them committed the ultimate betrayal to his brother. Everything became even worse still when Kait found herself pregnant and she couldn't be sure which brother was the father! Going through with the wedding would be impossible and the truth eventually came out to Jon. His relationship with his brother was shattered and no matter how much she loved both of the brothers her relationship with them both ultimately ended up destroyed as well after she had a miscarriage. New York had turned to poison for her and she couldn't stay with her parents controlling ways any more so she found herself making a fresh start in Prague with a new look and a new name. Katie Webb would be a more confident positive woman. Or at least she hoped so, things didn't seem so positive not when both Ollie and Jon also landed in Prague.

Poor Katie, things don't seem to be going the way she wants it to, but never give up! Congratulations Lindsey (Bucky Barnes) on Katie and Character Spotlight of the month!

Sancta Terra 02-04-2020 12:50 PM

Luca Ashriel

In this time of isolation, let’s look back on a character that’s been around for over a decade, and now resides in Barcelona. For April, we’re spotlighting Luca Ashriel.

Luca was born to a witch, Carolina and a criminal, David. For the first five years, with his mother’s presence, Luca had a pretty standard life, unaware of his father’s crimes. But when his mother discovered his father’s crimes, and begged him to stop during a bank heist, David shot Carolina dead, and lied to his son. No one ever discovered who the killer was.

After that point, Luca was raised into a life of crime, taught to be a bully, and raised under the worst circumstances. When he was 17, he went to prison for three years for armed robbery, and came out exactly the same, going back to his father. But when a medium sought him out, with a message from his mother to change, and become a better man, he started to seek out information on his mother’s murder. When he and David finally had a confrontation about the truth, and he found out his father killed his mother, Luca killed him in a rage.

He covered up the death, but turned his life around in the process, turning to magic and the covens. That’s where he met Jessickah Slater.

Together, Luca and Jess overcame so much. They fought evil together, trained together, but they also confronted their pasts together. There were ups and downs, mainly due to the secrecy that Luca had about his past and the mistakes he made. They even got married, finally finding happiness in each other. Eventually, the secret that Luca killed his father got out, which seemed to spell the end for their relationship. But when one of Jess’s enemies from the past killed Luca, it seemed to be the end of Luca’s life too.

But somehow, life gave him a second chance, and he came back to life on New Years Eve, 2011, as a spirit walker. With a new lease on life, Luca and Jess reconnected, made amends of the past, and started fresh. With that fresh beginning, they were blessed with a baby boy named Eduardo, and shortly after, a girl named Esme.

Though magic is a big part of Luca’s life, cooking is also another passion. When magic was revealed to the world, though, he found a new calling. He wanted to help witches make sense of the world they were in, and with that, he and his family moved to Barcelona. While Jess started working for the ASRW, Luca started to help other supernaturals, offering them a safe haven. Now, with two kids, and a new life in Barcelona, Luca’s ready for whatever comes next.

Lets give a round of applause for Luca, everything he has overcome so far, and the shiny future he has in front of him! Congratulations Bonnie (Dive Bar Saints) on Luca and Character Spotlight of the month!

Louis de Pointe du Lac 04-05-2020 10:41 AM

Lennox Callaghan

We might all be stuck at home, but we're travelling somewhere new for our May Spotlight. Sometimes we all need a fresh start and this month's spotlight, Lennox Callaghan, is hoping Fish Creek is the change she needs.

Lennox comes from a bit of a crazy family. The only child of Thomas and Elsie Callaghan, two half-siblings from her mother's previous relationships made for a very strange family dynamic. They all got on for the most part, but things were always uncomfortable between Lennox's father and his half-children. Lennox couldn't really work out why her brother, Jackson, in particular didn't like him, but Jackson's relationship with own father never really made that straightforward.

Lennox was always very involved with her community and clubs at school. She was eager to learn and to participate where she could. Through all of this, she met Richie, the boy she started seeing and eventually dating through and after high school. Pleasant to everyone's face, he seemed like a great guy. Lennox certainly thought so until he started becoming emotionally and physically abusive not long into their relationship. She never let anyone know about it, and as is usual for abusers, Richie wouldn't let her leave. Later, once she picked up a job at Sephora, found a convenient way of hiding the evidence from her family. She needed the job - Richie wouldn't let her leave for college like she wanted.

From the age of 13 to 21, Lennox was stuck in this relationship. She assumed Richie was faithful, but then evidence came out that showed that wasn't true. Finding out he'd been cheating on her for the last few years with a girl he'd never once abused, Lennox found the courage she needed to get out. Late one night, with her bags packed, she disappeared with her beloved dog, Fang, and made a run for it. Her brother, Jackson, had recently made a new home in Fish Creek, Wisconsin, so that seemed as good as any place to start.

With so many years of oppression behind her, this newfound freedom gives a broken girl a world of opportunities. Coming from a family with a history of domestic abuse, one only hopes her family will rally when they find out. We're excited to have Heidi (Set Me Free) in action with Lennox as being May's Character Spotlight of the month!

Louis de Pointe du Lac 06-06-2020 07:12 AM

Darren Chow

It's been a while since we found our way to the lights of New York City. We hope you're hungry because our resident chef, Darren Chow, has been cooking up something great for us to enjoy!

Darren has lived in a lot of places in his life. For the first five years of his life, he lived in Hong Kong before he and his family immigrated to America. That didn't at all mean they were settled. Over the span of a few years, they moved from Chicago to New Orleans to Los Angeles. A family that very much held food as the centre of their lives, they looked for the food scenes, eventually stopping to open their own Chinese restaurant in Los Angeles. During that time, Darren went to study in Napa at the Culinary Institute of America before a stint in New York and further study in Paris.

The intention on his return from Paris was to take over his parents' restaurant, to revamp and update it for a new clientele, but Darren hadn't anticipated how much they were struggling. While they fought and tried, at last they made the decision to close the restaurant, leaving Darren without work. His parents retired and returned to Hong Kong, but that only left Darren with a house, not a career. A lucky stroke from a former classmate changed things around for him, calling him back to New York to work as a personal chef. It was a good opportunity, still giving him time to teach some classes and curate his online presence.

New York may be a fresh start for Darren and hopefully it is what he needs. We look forward to see what storm he cooks up in the future! Congrats Nick (Ganymede) on Darren and Character Spotlight of the Month!

Lando 08-07-2020 09:44 PM

Damian Meyer

It feels like quite some time since we've gone to Ireland so it's about time to visit one of our favourite characters to be found there; Damian Meyer. Great friend, even greater brother!

Damian grew up in Kent with his older sister Lizzie. While his mother was gentle and loving, his father was a much harsher man that had high expectations. Eton College was where he spent much of his youth, a place that very much set him up for what was to come in his life. Plenty of connections were made and he found that he was rather good at public speaking with an eye on politics. This was something that made his father very pleased and allowed Damian to indulge in these pursuits. What his father didn't like however was the fact that his son was gay. There was no hiding it, no matter how much his father disliked the fact and eventually Damian found himself sailing across the Atlantic to the land of the free so that he could be himself there. Portland was nothing like home and he took his time furthering his education and making new connections. It wasn't until Damian was 30 that he started pursuing his political aspirations. It was something he was going to be great at he just knew it. Until Peter Terwilliger walked into his life.

Their relationship could only be defined as complicated and he kept being pulled in and pushed away. It didn't help that Peter was in another relationship. Their relationship couldn't work so he threw himself into work. Unfortunately a scandal rocked his work life too, he was set up but the life he had worked so hard towards was completely in shambles. Romantic and political aspirations lay in tatters around his feet. Going back to the UK was Damian's only option. He was going already for his sisters wedding. His parents didn't give him a warm return, not that he'd expected one, but his sister had been there for him as she always had been. London was just too hard though, Peter was in town and it was too much for him to be so near yet so far. Lizzie had moved to Dublin and his sister needed him, even though she was newly wed she was soon made a widow. He could make a new life for himself in Dublin certainly?

Well if his friendship with Chelle and his budding relationship with Graeme is anything to go by, Dublin has certainly been the best change that Damian could have made. For the first time in a long time he had family and a support group that would always be there for him. Damian really is just a good guy who needs lots of hugs. Congrats Sarah (Domino) on Damian and Character Spotlight of the month!

Louis de Pointe du Lac 27-02-2021 05:34 AM

Sarah Locke

Hold onto your hats, everyone. We're on a rollout of character spotlights as we start trying to catch ourselves up. We're starting our run in Prague for August's spotlight, where we meet PI, Sarah Locke, and do a little investigating of our own.

Sarah's life has been one long rollercoaster ride about relationships. A solid belief in fairytales shaped her childhood, but a divorce fueled by adultery and pregnancy had her faith in true love shaken. She went through a series of her own poor relationships as she dealt with her parents' actions. Her innocent father was her choice to stand by in the divorce, but when he passed away and she was handed back to her cheating mother and new toddler sibling, Sarah struggled to cope with it.

That trauma, along with an interest in photography, led her into an unexpected field. In the interests of protecting innocent parties and not leaving them blind-sided, Sarah started on some detective and investigation work. With her camera at the ready and a driving passion, she found herself a job and began developing a full career. She flourished in it, but it was soured with her mother still proving to be a toxic problem. In the end, Sarah made the decision to move from her home in London to Prague, to start afresh and build something for herself. Since her arrival, some work has started flowing her way, a few potential friends and an attractive reporter - though it's too early to tell where that might go.

Sometimes all you really need is that fresh start for life to really get going. Time will only tell what Sarah will find in Prague, for herself and perhaps even for others. We look forward to seeing what kind of drama might unfold if she does! Congrats Jax (Tempe Brennan) on Sarah and Character Spotlight of the Month!

Midnight Hands 27-02-2021 06:08 PM

Julian Grant

Autumn is slowly setting into the small Wisconsin town of Fish Creek where Julian Grant is finally falling in love and giving himself a chance for more this September!

A surprise baby, Julian was an unexpected addition to the Grant family, but not an unwelcome one. And if that wasn't enough, his sister had a baby of her own when Julian was barely 10 and he got to step into a big brother role pretty early on. It didn't stop Julian from having fun and enjoying the little things, including playing football and having a hectic social life. When a back injury took him out of football for good, Julian felt a little lost, but over time, he found the strength to move forward.

Till everything changed one day. A freak accident, they said, took the lives of his parents and his sister, leaving Julian and his niece alone in the world. Julian was only 20 and Melissa only 10 and they had only each other to lean on through the toughest time of their lives. Without Melissa's father in the picture, they had to raise each other, provide for each other and Julian needed to make sure that his niece was able to grow up and live a good life.

For five years, Julian's focus has been on Melissa. He's been raising her into a decent teenager, helping her with school and ensuring she has a good life, all while working as a caption writer for television. It's not exciting work, but Julian is able to pay the bills and take care of Melissa. And that's been all he's done since they both lost their family. Till Savannah Faber came to town.

With news of her changing the face and feel of his favourite bakery, Julian was up in arms and ready to rip into her, but their first meeting changed his mind. He ended up helping her paint and open up the bakery in a new style, all while falling in love with her. Julian's priority is always going to be Melissa, but even he knows that sometimes the heart wants what the heart wants. Flirting, kissing, touching and helping Savannah with her cookbook turned into them spending the holidays with her famous family in Atlanta.

Their relationship might still be new, but love is in the air. And Julian is finally ready to be a little selfish about his life and put a little more focus on Savannah, even if she doesn't need it. We're really looking forward to seeing how their relationship evolves and how Julian is going to balance it all! Congratulations Amy (Twilight Reverie) and Julian on being the Character Spotlight of the Month!

Louis de Pointe du Lac 27-02-2021 06:10 PM

Sander Hewitt

We're back in Prague for October, checking out what's new and hot online. You know who is hot? Sander Hewitt, an American photographer now residing in Europe. He's been off the internet for a while, but he's just been checking back in.

Lysander is an unfortunate name to be given, but Sander seemed to make the best of it. His little sister, Titania, made for a good set of Shakespearean children for their American father and German mother. He has a little bit of an accent, but you'd barely notice. Sander adored his little sister and was devastating when she was kidnapped. His parents barely made an attempt at the ransom, and as Sander was too young to do anything, a few years later, the girl's body turned up. Trying to do everything he could to find her turned Sander into something of a storm chaser. He was always on the hunt for dangerous situations after that, camera at the ready in order to get the right shots. He left the family in South Carolina and went to New York to make it big. He did that, and also fell in love. The work lasted, the woman didn't - after they were married, she gave up on him because he wasn't the man he'd been in the beginning.

The heartbreak hurt, but Sander was set up. A new job with a travel magazine that loved his whole aesthetic found him with brand new opportunities and the world at his fingertips. He was able to take on some amazing jobs, get decent money and meet some interesting people. One of those was Hallie McMahon, a woman Sander was paired with for a piece that took them from Singapore to Bangkok. Some video journals on YouTube kept documentation of what became a budding relationship neither of them would admit to, and in the end, they both parted ways, Sander a little the worse for it. After that, he ended up on a tour across Europe, camping, attending festivals and eating food he can't pronounce.

After a hiatus from his YouTube channel, Sander dropped a heartfelt video, addressing his feelings and calling for Hallie to meet him. Apparently it worked because now the pair have reconnected and are looking rather cozy. Check out that trip to Bora-Bora. One can only hope Sander is going to get the girl this time because he's due some love in his life! Congrats Anna (Midnight Hands) on Sander and Character Spotlight of the Month!

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