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Image of The Capitol
Image of The Capitol
02-02-2021 by French Exit, godlight, Soulstice, Lestat de Lioncourt
Washington DC is the US capital along the Potomac River, and bordering the states of Maryland and Virginia.

Status Awaiting Biographies

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Washington DC is the US capital along the Potomac River, and bordering the states of Maryland and Virginia. It\'s compact, at 68.34 square miles, and is under the jurisdiction of US Congress. Within the districts borders, the three branches of government (Executive, Legislative, and Judicial) conduct their business. But on top of all of that, Washington DC is a city. Hospitals like The George Washington University Hospital helps keep the United States capitol running smoothly.
All original content pertaining to The Capitol belongs to Winter in Bohemia, their staff and it's members. Any names used in relation to real life persons are purely coincidental. Not affiliated with Washington DC or it's political parties.

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